Use "matron|matrons" in a sentence

1. Matrons, millionaires, educators, journalists, coachmen all bowed to him in obsequious homage.

2. ... and a loaf for Matron, please.

3. 7 She'd be matron of honour, of course!

4. There were concerned looks from burly matrons, and longing admiration from boys.

5. She serves as the Chief Matron of Africa's Young Entrepreneurs.

6. 5 It was impossible for the matron to relieve her.

7. 4 Matron and some of the nurses were standing by.

8. 8 The matron bore down upon the terrified nurses.

9. 1 The matron bore down upon the terrified nurses.

10. 4 sugared rolls, 3 jam tarts and a loaf for Matron, please.

11. 18 Nigel and Shirley handed over the cheque to matron Ann Teaney.

12. 19 His parents subsequently became master and matron of Poplar union workhouse.

13. 9 Supposed to be matron, and knew no more than a charwoman.

14. 21 I suppose there is some matron with beefy forearms.

15. 6 The woman grabbed one arm, a matron the other.

16. 3 Frank looked up in surprise when Matron walked in.

17. Matron kept calling on Tock, making sure he was alright.

18. In 1823 an Act was passed requiring the appointment of prison Matrons to supervise women prisoners.

19. 17 Matron kept calling on Tock, making sure he was alright.

20. 4 The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend.

21. 13 His parents subsequently became master and matron of Poplar union workhouse.

22. 2 The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend.

23. Dissertatio academica, Adumbrationem matronæ Romanæ leviter sistens, quam, ex suffragio ampliss

24. When she declined his advances, he entrusted her to a matron of a sinful house.

25. 10 The matron wouldn't let him go because he was just getting over a chill.

26. She looked as efficient as a hospital matron, as cool as a cucumber.

27. 15 She looked as efficient as a hospital matron, as cool as a cucumber.

28. The Authoritative rules in this school come not from the headmaster but from the aged matron

29. 29 When she declined his advances, he entrusted her to a matron of a sinful house.

30. 20 The Tanganyika Two nurses were to meet the matron to whom they had been assigned.

31. You can trust the Matron of this hospital to keep her nurses up to the mark.

32. She was the first black nurse in Namibia to be promoted to matron, the highest rank.

33. On Christmas Eve a candle-lit procession, led by Matron, came to sing carols.

34. 28 It would be wonderful to crawl into bed, to ask Matron for an aspirin.

35. 23 Mr. and Mrs. Dawes were the acting master and matron, and they were not universally popular.

36. 26 He skipped along the corridors and went to see Matron to tell her the good news.

37. 13 On Christmas Eve a candle-lit procession, led by Matron, came to sing carols.

38. 16 Matron was equally dignified, with a towering cap of white linen and a penetrating gaze.

39. 30 Luckily, as they returned to Cockroach, Wednesday's dormitory, they bumped into Matron who was fixing her motorbike.

40. 14 Luckily, as they returned to Cockroach, Wednesday's dormitory, they bumped into Matron who was fixing her motorbike.

41. If these royal matrons witness no blood upon entry of the pigeon's egg, it is deemed that the prospective bride has been defiled.

42. There was a silence, the Matron, who was a Miss Cress, tapping her fountain pen lightly on the blotter.

43. 12 The matron, the house surgeon and the pupil each had a bedroom and a sitting room.

44. 11 Everyone wished each other good luck and Mould, Matron and Endill headed off to the library.

45. 23 He put out the cigarette just as the matron thundered past us down the aisle, looking for the perpetrator.

46. 24 The new master at the institution was Mr. H. M. Allen, and his wife was appointed matron.

47. In the present relaxed moral climate, there was always a frisky society matron willing to accommodate a discreet young man.

48. 27 Her husband had died in California in 18 while Farnham worked on prison reform as the matron of Sing-Sing.

49. 25 In the present relaxed moral climate, there was always a frisky society matron willing to accommodate a discreet young man.

50. A few outstanding bills were paid, and the application by the master and matron for a testimonial was granted.

51. 14 He put out the cigarette just as the matron thundered past us down the aisle,[] looking for the perpetrator.

52. 22 A few outstanding bills were paid, and the application by the master and matron for a testimonial was granted.

53. 8 There was a silence, the Matron, who was a Miss Cress, tapping her fountain pen lightly on the blotter.

54. How to explain the sudden parade of Codgerettes currently strutting across America's newsstands? Granted, it's not as if magazines don't occasionally trot out a few wizened matrons for a

55. Procuration also, had to be notified before the Aedile, whose special business it was to see that no Roman matron became a

56. ‘A placenta or Afterbirth is attached to the wall of the uterus and is the source of food and oxygen for the puppy inside the matron.’

57. In traditional Chinese and Japanese weddings, the matron of honor would cover the bride with an oil-paper umbrella upon arrival to ward off evil spirits.

58. Corrie Ten Boom stood naked with her older sister Betsie, watching a concentration camp matron beating a prisoner."Oh, the poor woman," Corrie cried."Yes

59. 2019-2020 Grand Line Officers Grand Officer Name Email Address Grand Royal Matron HL Cheryl Wilson (70) Grand Royal Patron SK Scott Krall (150) Grand Associate Matron HL Lois Zerby (54) Grand Associate Patron SK Karl Forsberg (147) Grand Conductress HL Miranda Peruso (121) Grand Associate Conductress HL Robin Fridy (106) Grand Secretary HL Sandra R.…

60. Definition of Chaperone (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a person (such as a matron) who for propriety (see propriety sense 2) accompanies one or more young unmarried women in …

61. 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter: "The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful over-much,--that is a truth," added a third Autumnal matron

62. The life is a several years, rich and honored prestige versus smirch however dream world, matron during a lifetime the most major is still a man of that is sincerely.

63. The matrons of surrounding parishes, the ladies of Beorminster society, the damsels of town and country, were all present in their best attire, chattering and smiling, and Becking and bowing, after the observant and diplomatic ways of their sex

64. Moaning and tumult in the house we hear, / wailings of misery, and shouts that smite / the golden stars, and women's shrieks of fear, / and trembing matrons, hurrying left and right, / cling to and kiss the doors, made frantic by affright.

65. Matronæ and Dísir: On Ancestresses; Holda; Heiðe: Witch-Goddess of the North; Skaði: Wilderness Woman; Freyja: Lady of Love and Life; Articles by Lorrie Wood

66. Like the rest of the Academy, it was located in Tier Breche.[3] 1 Structure 2 History 3 Schooling 4 Inhabitants 5 Notable inhabitants of Arach-Tinilith 5.1 Matron Mistresses/Mistress Mothers

67. When the matron ordered her to embroider a tablecloth for the altar of the Catholic church, Sister Antunes politely made known her reason for refusing but mentioned that she would gladly accept other work.

68. I love how Mary leans against a doorway holding baby Jesus to the adoration of a couple of dirty-footed pilgrims, with all the slightly bored insouciance of any matron chatting with the neighbors.

69. View in context Now Doubt - now Pain Come never again, For her soul gives me sigh for sigh, And All day long Shines, bright and strong, Astarté within the sky, While ever to her dear Eulalie upturns her matron eye

70. Dabnay Tr'Arach was a novice priestess of Lolth in the early 11th century DR.1 1 History 2 Relationships 3 Appendix 3.1 Appearances 3.2 References Dab'nay hailed from House Tr'Arach in Menzoberranzan, a small house.1 In 1018 DR, Dab'nay was studying at Arach-Tinilith.1 After a completely failed attack on House Simfray, Dab'nay was with her mother, the Matron Mother Hauzz Tr'Arach, who